Capricornus is a very old but faint constellation of late summer. Its significance lies in the fact that around 3000 B.C. the constellation marked the Winter Solstice, as the sun reached its furthest point south of the equator (22 December). It was a time (then as now) of religious ritual, with Capricornus signaling the season. These days, precession having moved its stars several months ahead and the Sun now enters Capricornus in January. In mid-August and September Capricorn is due south around midnight, below the 'Summer Triangle' (which is composed of Deneb, Vega, and Altair. From Vega draw a line down to Altair. Now continue this line further south almost the same distance until you see two faint stars, one above this other. These are alpha and beta Capricorni

Delta Capricorni (Deneb Algeidi, the Ibex's or Goat's tail) is the brightest star in Capricornus at 2.85 visual magnitude. The star marks the asterism's furthest point to the east (quite appropriately, if it's the tail.) The star is four binocular fields east of alpha Capricorni and a half field to the south. Gamma Capricorni is in the same FOV.

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