Puppis is a very extensive Winter constellation. However, one must live rather far to the south in order to explore all its objects. Nevertheless its best objects are about the same declination as Sirius (alpha Canis Majoris) which makes them accessible for most of us. A recommended prerequisite study wouild be Canis Major. To examine the stars of Puppis, first move down into the southeast corner of Canis Major, locating delta. To its southeast is eta CMa and "p" Puppis.

Xi Puppis is a yellow supergiant 1350 light years away. An orange 'companion' is actually unrelated, as this star is about 300 light years away. The Messier object M93 lies in the same field, just 1.6º to the northwest.

Zeta Puppis is a supergiant and very luminous star, with an absolute magnitude of about -6. The region around zeta Puppis is extremely rich. In particular two star clusters -- NGC 2477 and NGC 2451 -- are just to the west. Zeta is also a convenient entry point for exploring the fainter constellation Pyxis, to the northeast. Place zeta at the lower right and you'll see a group of stars at the northeast. Putting these stars to the lower right will bring into view beta Pyxidis and, above it, alpha Pyxidis.

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