The Caldwell Catalogue - Telrad Finder Charts

The Caldwell Catalogue is a list of 109 objects covering both hemispheres that were not listed by Messier. The Telrad is a zero-mag. finder that projects a set of three concentric red circles (.5, 2, and 4 degrees) onto the sky. These charts show stars up to mag. 5, and can facilitate the use of the Telrad finder.

 C1  C2  C3  C4  C5
 C6  C7  C8  C9  C10
 C11  C12  C13  C14  C15
 C16  C17  C18  C19  C20
 C21  C22  C23  C24  C25
 C26  C27  C28  C29  C30
 C31  C32  C33  C34  C35
 C36  C37  C38  C39  C40
 C41  C42  C43  C44  C45
 C46  C47  C48  C49  C50
 C51  C52  C53  C54  C55
 C56  C57  C58  C59  C60
 C61  C62  C63  C64  C65
 C66  C67  C68  C69  C70
 C71  C72  C73  C74  C75
 C76  C77  C78  C79  C80
 C81  C82  C83  C84  C85
 C86  C87  C88  C89  C90
 C91  C92  C93  C94  C95
 C96  C97  C98  C99  C100
 C101  C102  C103  C104  C105
 C106  C107  C108  C109  

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