And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.  Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Editor's Preface To The 10 Commandments Sermon Series
Pastor's Intro
Table Of Contents
Pastor's Epilogue

Hello friend, fellow Christian, first-time surfer, satisfied and content, desperate and confused, arrogantly selfconfident, non-Christian, and/or non-religious person. You ARE a sinner. Please don't be offended, we're all sinners. Trust me, I'm no less a sinner than you. How can I say this with such arrogant assurance? Well, the Bible tells me that

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;  Romans 3:23

So you say, you USED TO sin, but not anymore. Or that you have your body under control, and subsequently have sin "under control". Or that the "little" sins are ok, and that since you don't commit any of the "big" sins you're ok. Or there is no such thing as sin. Or that Christ did away with sin. Or I could go on, and on, and on... But, I'm here to tell you that, under the authority of God's scriptures, these beliefs and opinions are absolutely WRONG.

God DOES care about what we say, and do, and think; about ourselves, our relationship with others, and MOST IMPORTANTLY our relationship with God Himself! And it STARTS with, and is inexplicably INTERTWINED with, His law. In this morally relativistic age we live in, God's absolute laws are even MORE important. That is why I am offering this study on the Ten Commandments.

And upon first hearing this series of sermons, I was somewhat surprised, and chastened, and convicted, about the sins that I DIDN'T think I was committing, and how it was affecting my relationship with MY God. And I was wrong, and have repented. And that's what God probably wants from you too. That is also why I am offering this study on the Ten Commandments.

My primary purpose in creating this website was, and still is, to bring the lost sinner to the SAVING KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST. That's not too hard if you have been convicted previously and are searching for Him, but it's a little tougher if you don't even believe in sin, or it's implications or ramifications. This is the main reason why I am offering this study on the Ten Commandments.

So I implore you, Christian and non-Christian alike, please read through this sermon series on the Ten Commandments. Study them, learn them, follow them, and MOST importantly BECOME SAVED. And someday, you will thank me for it. And we'll praise God together.

Now, regarding the sermons, and my position as webservant and editor...

First, the sermons in this series were preached over the summer of 1999, by Pastor Brad Smith,
the Senior Pastor of Bethel Baptist Church in Schaumburg, Illinois. Pastor Smith is a staunch, independent, fundamental, Baptist preacher, and a true man of God, that I have had the privilege of knowing, and being taught/blessed by, for many years now. Thank you, Pastor Smith for your instruction, your service, and your friendship.

Secondly, my function regarding these sermons is as follows; being the webservant I post them to my site, being the transcriber I have put the taped audio message to text format, and being editor I have made the messages more "HTML friendly". Since I have no formal theological education, I have been taught what I know by faithful participation in sunday school, sunday/wednesday service, and personal suplemental study. All of these are under the direction of, and subjection to, my God's personal Spirit within me, His word the Bible, and the men of God that He has placed around me.

In regard to the editing of these sermons, as in any of the sermons I edit, my criteria is as follows:

1. Transcription is word for word with the following exceptions,

2. Any, and generally all, references to personal church information that is not pertinent to the sermon has been removed. Primarily this is to save space and facilitate the ease of reading.

3. The sermon text proper is ONLY edited to correct gross gramatical errors, some repeated phrases or words, or maybe the occasional awkward statement or run-on sentence. NO doctrinal principles have been changed in ANY way, and Pastor Smith has personally proof-read these pages.

4. I have punctuated the text as best I felt it to be conveyed. Yes, MANY sentences are run-ons, and not perfect grammatically, but they have been left "as is". You ever transcribe a sermon?!

5. ANY questions, or controversies, please email me, or Pastor Smith for clarification.

I pray that these sermons will minister to you, and convict you to the very core of your being. And that they will be a blessing to you, and be the "power unto salvation" for all that are lost. Thank you for your faith and trust, in me, and MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, more importantly, YOUR God.

Used With Permission From:
Pastor Brad Smith
Bethel Baptist Church
Schaumburg, Illinois

That I may OPEN MY MOUTH BOLDLY, TO MAKE KNOWN the mystery of the gospel... that therein, I MAY SPEAK BOLDLY, AS I OUGHT TO speak. Ephesians 6:19  Questions/Info Contact:  TO OPEN THEIR EYES, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may recieve FORGIVENESS OF SINS... Acts 26:18

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