ALL Christians MUST test what they see, hear, or experience DAILY, against the light of scripture; so also must we scrutinize this thing called the World Wide Web.
The Bible DOES have ABSOLUTE TRUTH. But realize, the Bible DOESN'T have EVERY absolute truth. There is mystery, which we cannot fathom till we meet God in heaven. However, it doesn't contradict itself in ANY way; and the truths we DO recieve, are ABSOLUTELY ALL GOD FEELS WE NEED in this world. Regardless of what WE might think.
I am a Christian Fundamentalist, and have reviewed 100's of "religious" websites. I understand most all of the doctrinal differences and controversial issues. Issues that many of you may be grappling with currently.
Some of you no doubt, will be upset with the selection of links in this listing. Yes, I have included questionable sites, at least from a fundamental point of view. I have done so, mainly to expose people to a broad range of information, and to see what really is being preached "out there". This can be a DANGEROUS thing, primarily regarding false doctrine and the error it creates. I DO NOT endorse any of the web sites in this listing. If there EVER is any ambiguity between doctrines, WE MUST PRAY for guidance & discernment from the Holy Spirit. But remember, ALWAYS, IN ALL THINGS WE ARE TO GIVE GLORY TO GOD THRU HIS SON JESUS CHRIST.
So, does your personal belief, in whatever issue/doctrine that is in question, render to Christ Jesus the glory that HE deserves? If not, what is your ulterior motive for taking such a stand(against God!)? These are the REAL questions of the HEART. And that's what God judges us on, from our salvation on down to our personal individual actions.
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