My Salvation Sermon Series |
These are a collection of sermons regarding true salvation. They include a couple solid salvation messages, one explaining what repentance really is, and another on our relationship with Christ & sin. |
The Ten Commandments Sermon Series |
You think you know and understand God's law, the Ten Commandments? Well, think again. This is a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED series of sermons, about a topic that is dear to our Lord's heart, yet at times, distant from our own. If this DOESN'T convict you of your sin... NOTHING WILL! |
The Christian Liberty Sermon Series |
This series delves into the myriad of issues regarding questionable behaviors for the Christian. Is there a fine line between Holy Christian Living and hypocrisy? Absolutely, and the Bible DOES give us adequate insight into this highly controversial topic. Be prepared. |
Noteable Christian Conversions Sermon Series |
This is a short series on conversions to Christ for some of the characters mentioned in the Bible. I've included these to give us some insight in how becoming a Christian affects the behavior and attoitude of the individual. |
Repentance Defined! |
What truly IS repentance?! Do you REALLY know? Can YOU define it? You better be able to, if you claim to be saved, or are involved in witnessing to others. A MUST READ for all. |
The Children Of Promise |
This sermon teaches us about the Two Covenants of God; the first of the LAW, the second of GRACE, the establishment of the people of Israel, and the people who eventually became the religion of Islam. It's all about the relationship of the FREEwoman, vs that of the BONDwoman. |
The Sovereignty Of God |
This Sermon is from Romans 9, and dovetails quite nicely with the Children Of Promise sermon. It is part of a series on God's Sovereignty from Romans 9-11 that I might eventually add in its entirety. |
To Be Absent From The Body, Is To Be Present With The Lord |
This Sermon is a memorial sermon, preached by Pastor Brad Smith on the Sunday following our Senior Pastor Frank Bumpus' homegoing. If you are a Christian, and have experienced the loss of a Christian loved one, this sermon's for you. Otherwise, for the unsaved, it may be your only glimpse into the Christian's eternal hope which is in Christ. |