I would not, that ye should be IGNORANT of this mystery, lest ye be WISE IN YOUR OWN CONCEITS. Romans11:25 Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore GET WISDOM: and with all thy getting GET UNDERSTANDING. Proverbs 4:7
Biblical repentance means more than sorrow, regret, despair or grief; it means a change of mind toward God, leading to a judgement of self and one's actions, further resulting in a change of life. Regarding salvation, repentance means to turn to God from sin; it means to bow down and acknowledge Jesus Christ as the God of one's life. No one can be saved who does not repent. Repentance, believing, and faith are all one and the same. "He that believeth," implies repentance. "Repent & be converted" involves faith. Repentance encompasses all of the Gospel's requirements for salvation.
Now understand, this change does not save us from sin, Christ's death & resurrection did that. But repentance IS the clear fruit of salvation. However, a change of mind WITHOUT a change of action is meaningless. Throughout the Bible we find this to be true. John the Baptist demanded "fruits meet for repentance," before he would baptize. (Mt3:8) God commanded Israel to "repent... and turn away". (Ex14:6) Surely, no one thinks that God would have been satisfied if they had only changed their minds!