WARNING, THIS PAGE IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!Now friend, as you listen to this .wav file, do YOU think this was done intentionally... or SUPERNATURALLY. I believe the later. Now, (especially) if this is the case, we MUST flee from all these types of worldly music!
Yes, there ARE two paths you can go by. But NO, in the long run, there is NO time to change the road you're on. That's one of Satan's biggest lies. He wants you to THINK there is time. But all the while you become more and more deeply entwined, and complacent, in your sins. Until you are swept away into oblivion.
You see, it's like the frog put into a pot of water. If the water is boiling, he'll jump out right away.
Understand, you are ONLY one heartbeat away from eternity! And ARE YOU READY for it?! Some day you WILL stand before God and have to answer for the path you've taken.  You can stand before Him GUILTY at the white throne of judgement, or you can stand before Him REDEEMED having been washed by the blood of His Son, and YOUR Savior, Jesus Christ!
Please, DON'T FOOL YOURSELF! You are NOT strong enough to resist the Devil. You WILL BE devoured! THE ONLY WAY IS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST! YOU have to make this decision. By, and for, yourself.
10-11-01 |