Let not the wise man glory in HIS wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in HIS might, let not the rich man glory in HIS riches: But let him that glorieth GLORY IN THIS, that he UNDERSTANDETH & KNOWETH ME. Jeremiah9:23-24 ABOUT THIS WEB SITEHello friend. Welcome to my web site. I do hope your experience here will be a blessing to you. I'm SURE you will, at least, be enlightened! You may not fully agree with me on all points, and you may not even understand what I'm talking about at times, but ALWAYS pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth & understanding, through the Word of God. Which, by the way, is the Bible, both Old & New Testaments, no Apocrypha, and no Koran. Sorry, but that's the truth, straight from the Bible itself. Now please, don't be upset, yet, until I'm through. If I'm a raving lunatic, then it doesn't matter; but if I'm telling you the truth, then IT DOES MATTER A WHOLE LOT! Be skeptical, but be unbiasingly logical, and true to your heart, not necessarily your mind, for you may trick yourself. And hey, if you vehemently feel that I am wrong on some doctrine or point, please, by all means, send me your feedback by email. I may not be able to respond immediately, or even at all (due to my life's time constraints), but I WILL read it, and IF the Spirit leads, me I WILL alter my viewpoint on this site. Additionally, any fundamental Christian willing to submit an editorial/essay on some topic, if it is doctrinally sound, I will add it to this web site. But really, what is my purpose for creating this web site?! Well, as God told Jeremiah, we are to GLORY IN UNDERSTANDING & KNOWING HIM, our God. This was directed, by God, at His CHOSEN people, the Jewish nation of Judah, 2600 years ago. But they refused to listen, and God just about destroyed them all! Today our world is a modern day Judah, everyone doing "whatsoever is right in his own eyes", "in the vanity of their minds", and "changing the TRUTH of God into a lie." So, do you understand God's perspective and feelings towards His people? Do you know His plans for the world... for YOU? If you don't, haven't, or refuse to read the Bible... then I think not. How can I say this?! Because I DO KNOW & UNDERSTAND GOD. Or at least what He's revealed to us, THROUGH HIS WORD. No, I am NOT arrogant. But I am CONFIDENT in my knowledge of God, throught the discernment of HIS Holy Spirit within me, and my ultimate standing as a redeemed child of this same God of all the universe, through the blood of His Son & our personal Savior Jesus' atoning sacrifice. Listen again, to EXACTLY what God says to His prophet Jeremiah: Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, THAT HE UNDERSTANDETH AND KNOWETH ME... FOR IN THESE THINGS I DELIGHT, saith the Lord. Jeremiah9:23+ And that's what I want for you too! I want you to know what I know! I want YOU to be a TRUE child of God, and KNOW IT! No rumours or myths. No hypocrisy. Just the WORD OF GOD, from His book, the Bible. For it says, "Sanctify them through thy truth: THY WORD IS TRUTH. John17:17 And that the gospel of Christ "is the POWER of God UNTO SALVATION to EVERYONE that BELIEVETH... Romans1:16 Wow, are you ready for this? I do hope so. Your destiny depends on it. Now, I may be tackling too much at one time (which is a fault of mine), but this web site was created with 3 purposes or goals in mind, for 3 types of people; 1. To show the LOST the way of righteousness. (Unto Salvation) We are ALL, ONE of these; |
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