Hello, my friend. |
An interesting possibility,
but REALLY, what if you ARE wrong?! About evolution, the universe, the "human" condition, or even the
"psychology" of religion in general.
What if YOU were wrong about the existence of God, and what HE says... about HIS creation, HIS laws for us, and how WE are to become "acceptable" in HIS eyes! I mean, He IS God, right? What He KNOWS and SAYS would, probably, be MORE correct & accurate than what we "finite" humans perceive to be the "TRUTH". How do you think God feels when you IGNORE HIS opinion? HIS desires? HIS wishes? Then again, how would we, or could we, even know? THRU. HIS. WORD. What word? The BIBLE. Hey, at this moment, I'm just challenging you to THINK about the possibility. However, you might also be thinking, WHO IS THIS GUY? What if HE'S the one who's WRONG?! How come he's so sure what's right? Hmmm? Who died and made him God?! Well, uh, God did. Let me explain. You see, I believe the Bible is God's Word to us. The Old Testament first, and then the New. And through the study of this truth, I've come to believe that Jesus was GOD. That He came down on this earth, in HUMAN form, to IDENTIFY as one of us, then to TEACH to us His TRUTH, and finally to DIE FOR US! This IS what was PROPHECIED in the Old Testament, and WITNESSED to be FULFILLED by the people of the New Testament period. Jesus's purpose, as the Christ Messiah, was to SAVE His people and set up His kingdom. However, the people erred (as most do now), thinking only of themselves in their finite, selfish desires. They could not comprehend (as most now also) God's ultimate plan of redemption and salvation for His chosen people. You see, Jesus DID come to save, or JUSTIFY us, and make US right in His (Gods) eyes. That REALLY is the WHOLE message, of the Bible, in the OLD and the NEW Testaments. And yes, Jesus IS the King, but no, He hasn't set up His kingdom... yet. It wasn't time then, but it will soon be. Now, if you DON'T BELIEVE this, I can understand that, MOST people back then DIDN'T BELIEVE it either! At least not initially. But MANY became believers of Jesus, after his death, at the testimony and teachings of the Apostles and other believers around them. As I try to do now. So please, put your anger, pride, arrogance, fear, hatred, skepticism, and/or confusion aside; and ask the ONE TRUE GOD and creator of the universe to help give you insight and understanding as you strive to know HIS word, and His plan for YOU.